31 century museum in kanazawa

158 : An album

158----Tetsuro Nakamura
中村 哲郎

The biggest influence in my life is one year spending as a rotary exchange student in the high school in the United States in everything of August, 1980 from August, 1979 when I was 15 years old.  The importance of living in the mind and what that sympathized with others positively was taught for one year that had been spent in others of the foreign country. The album of HONEOYE FALLS-LIMA HIGH SCOOL that got the signature of the friend in the high school is my treasure

The biggest influence in my life is one year spending as a rotary exchange student in the high school in the United States in everything of August, 1980 from August, 1979 when I was 15 years old.  The importance of living in the mind and what that sympathized with others positively was taught for one year that had been spent in others of the foreign country. The album of HONEOYE FALLS-LIMA HIGH SCOOL that got the signature of the friend in the high school is my treasure.


自分の人生で一番大きな影響を及ぼしたのは、1979年8月から1980年8月まで15歳の時にアメリカの高校でロータリー交換留学生として過ごした1年間です。異国の他人の中で過ごした1年間は、他人を思いやる心と何事にも前向きに生きていくことの大切さを教えてくれました。その高校の友達のサインをもらったHONEOYE FALLS-LIMA HIGH SCOOLのアルバムが私の宝物です。

Share Published on Dec 02, 2009 at 4:39 am.
Filled under: 31 century museum in kanazawa
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